
The Credential module allows for fetching of PSN user credentials using the official PS4 2nd Screen App on iOS and Android.


The pyps4_2ndscreen.credential.Credentials class is a service to allow fetching of PSN credentials. Note: The service requires port 987. This is a priveleged port so some operating systems will not allow you to use this port without root/sudo privileges. If you would like to use the service with normal privileges you can try the command below:

sudo setcap ‘cap_net_bind_service=+ep’ /usr/bin/python3.5

This command works for Debian based systems. The /usr/bin/python3.5 should be replaced with the absolute path to your Python interpreter.

class pyps4_2ndscreen.credential.Credentials(device_name: Optional[str] = 'pyps4-2ndscreen', start: Optional[bool] = True)

Bases: object

The PSN Credentials Service. Masquerades as a PS4 to get credentials.

Service listens on port 987 (Priveleged).

  • device_name – Name to display as

  • start – Start on init

listen(timeout: Optional[int] = 120)

Listen and respond to requests.


timeout – Timeout in seconds